In 2016, Social Centre adopted Karanji-Bhattewadi for the model village programme. Watershed treatment as per the “Ridge to Valley” model, for soil and water conservation will be carried out in the project village. Permaculture technology for sustainable farming has been introduced in the village. A Children’s Eco-Club has been formed for environmental awareness and plantation of trees movement. 21 SHGs have been formed and linked with banks. The Farmers’ Club receives inputs on modern farming technologies and innovations in agriculture through exposure visits to agricultural universities and Krishi Vidnyan Kendras.
Youth are provided with various skills development inputs to start livelihoods. Kitchen gardens, biogas, toilet and bathroom construction for each house has become a campaign in the village. Participatory village development process and capacity building of village development committee members as local leaders of the village are the primary focus of the project. People-centred programmes, leading to people’s ownership in development of the village, are the thrust. One of the goals is to make Gandhiji’s concept ‘Self-sufficient village and Green village’ a reality.