The Food Security, Women and Child Development project in Karanji area is coming to a close in March 2020. The project interventions in Karanji area in collaboration with Bachman Foundation has borne fruit, facing the challenges that came during the implementation of the project. The people of the project villages acknowledge and respect the interventions and timely guidance from the Foundation and their representative Mr. Roland Frutig. The overall project has achieved the objectives to a certain extent, with good response from the women, children and farmers. The associate agencies who collaborated with Social Centre for this project have in principle expressed their satisfaction and would like to extend their collaboration in further activities for the development of Karanji. The main purpose of the Watershed Development activity has fulfilled its expectations, as the water table has considerably increased even though the project area in particular had a bare minimum of 375 mm of rainfall till 31 st October, 2019. This rainfall is spread overall period since June 2019. In comparison in 2017, the lake was full of water and the surrounding villages benefitted all through 2018-19 as the rainfall was very poor and declared a drought area by the State. These areas were supplied water in tankers and there were animal camps to assist the farmers to maintain their animals with fodder and water, while the project area villages were self-sufficient and provided water for the neighbourhood. This is the main outcome of the project interventions. The people have become more self-reliant and are looking forward to more technical assistance and capacity building activities from Social Centre